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Transparent Roller Shutters Launched

Westwood Security Shutters Ltd have developed a roller shutter that has 100mm clear panes manufactured from polycarbonate panels sandwiched between aluminium lathes.Sales Director Matt Sands says 'It took us considerable time and effort to come up with a product that is durable, robust and practical enough for the damp weather in the UK
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Roller Shutter Measurement

If you are wondering how to measure for roller shutters, the diagrams below illustrate the key measurements required. The objective when measuring for roller shutters is to establish the size of opening for the roller shutter door or fire shutter…

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Insulated Industrial Doors

Insulated Industrial Doors are available in a wide range of styles and colours, with a variety of operational options. Insulated Doors are extremely popular due to an ability to withstand high usage, ease of use and protection from noise and…

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